Sunday, 24 July 2011

I gotta check into rehab

Hmmmm, bit late for that now.

And so there we have it - the 3rd prediction of the year came up over the weekend in the form of boozy, junkie singer Amy Winehouse.  An impressive maximum points for Dan Morgan for picking someone under 30 years old.  Still behind Alex overall but good headway.

Naturally Alex took the news well when he heard though:

"Who can't measure out a non lethal amount of crack these days?"

This also means that there is a new member of the Forever 27 Club.  God is putting together a pretty nifty little ensemble up there.

I wonder if Mika and Duffy are worried....

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Just one more thing

Despite a long list we have missed a couple of sitters despite a pretty slow year so far.  Both 94 year old Michael Gough (of Batman butler fame) and more recently the legendary Peter Falk (aka Columbo) have bitten the dust so far in 2011 but are nowhere to be seem amongst our selections.

However an excited 2am text from Alex this morning informed me that he has extended his lead from the "nil points" pack with the pick of former first lady Betty Ford.  No bonus points for an exciting sky dive gone wrong though, she was just bloody old (93).  The player list on the left has duly been updated with her demise joining that of Elizabeth Taylor from March as the only casualties so far.

So we find ourselves half way through the year and we have a pretty poor 2/63 record.  The renowned Death List site is 5/50 so it looks like we have a bit of catching up to do if our collective are going to out-snuff them!

Keep your eyes peeled for those obits....