Sunday 2 January 2011

Good Luck Maggie...

Right then, entries are closed and we have 9 people in the mix.  No fewer than 63 different celebrities have been nominated as potential grim reaper candidates, but leading the pick list by far is poor old Margaret Thatcher who has made it onto 8 of the 9 lists!  Dan obviously has confidence in her willpower, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know her own name nowadays.

I think my favourite pick is probably Nick Nolte by Dave.  Unless he has inside info about a serious illness, I reckon it is just some kind of weird grudge pick!

I've not actually bothered to work it out, but am guessing Heather has the youngest average age in her list with Britney and Lohan both hopeful drug/alcohol cocktails selections.

If you want to check out all the selections you can download the full list via the link on the left-hand side of the page in the "Sticky Info" section.  We'll give it until the end of the week if anyone has any serious objections about the selections, but they all look fairly sound to me.  I can't see any of them not being reported.

Good luck!

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